
112: Do you like spiral staircases, scandals that strive to branch out to the un-alive, an abysm? 
Facts there are a marketplace whose figures look young and green when least derivative. Volatile objective content triumphs. Right or wrong it’s kind of a snob racket (Charles B).   
Our nervous system can distort music in an adder’s sense, Charles might say, to emphasize changes in people who are snakes, radial evil neglected by the super ego. B is for Bukowski. 


Feeling comfort in disruption is one point. Together, we define entire affability arcs in ironic laughter, a series of slippery zoning disputes. Two points or more (identical in all respects).

Any abstract attitudes are buried below our gestalt-like, collective strip-down (the whole of reality, now) to the ashen stem cells of relatively unspeaking, as tho history was a set of onlt visual realities.
Body-snatching, the third point is you and I have a multi-reality to join the others, since our lives are directionless thru Rose County. Good night, ensign.

Good night to expose an accident or two that don’t matter, made tactical as we circumvent a few exchange elements, remaking spatial morality into chance agency, no vision, no dash, no longer having to know.
32: You’re reserved outdoors, for your love adds layers
And exempts us from showing up to enchain, knife, subdue.. 
That’s once I reach heights of happier men but none like you —
As Satie plays, giving away what we’re better at 
— gosh! I read an earlier generation in tears warms up today’s loving style. 
Poor from love, a class struggles thinking it’s for real. 

The struggle, not the tears. 


I can’t get into specifics,
because it’s nonverbal, a compromise.
I know I’m next, flapping my arms in front of me.

Maybe I’m afraid of being abducted.

At the top it’s shrew pink and all mapped out. So I’m ready.
59: Sonnets are ok, nothing new — going backwards here — 
Let’s vote Labour —  
an ostentatious luncheon in ‘old world’ pensiveness,  
beguiling etiquitte, self-admiring praise.  
I might say more, fool my brain, the one mended by you and your composed image but
I stay in character.  
More sure — we’re easily freaked by what antique words 
dig up and how re-inventions get composed, still we have to keep our wits about us
— looking back under whose  
thumb? And am I yours?