
For a recap, I color within lines. Drink? I take my latte to bed 
And set it on the stand, tagged and released. 
You wailed it, Yosemite. Morose I am.. and optimistic.
Sonnet 6:

We radicalize to what we do best.
Beauty distilled in summer is a 10 (if valuing 1 to ten) and like poker, dealer’s choice.
My tongue in your ear refigures a pair.
High cards. A bettor’s hand, a near apex, 10 to one.
Happy to pay or loan you more, and glad
you’re winning, only now passing — before

winter rushes through leaves and junk in the backyard. Ciao .. happier? you’re much too slam-bam, too fair
And brush your hair? Brush it back down.
0) Nothing horrible, just horrible 
1) both perceptions of opposites leveraged simultaneously  
2) meaning one and more original than none  
3) causing internal illogic along w/  
4) passing out on an ashen chaise to bring you back to your senses, shouting   
5) I love your idea and I repent only to appease you   
6) my adages are first thought / we never rethink / yet we lose both death and life.


We are a color of cunnilingus. I noticed, though, you and I applied for pharmaceutical assistance, an oscillation gelatin called Sparkling Affront.
Nothing was more or less than arabesque, forgetting our place in the secret order of failure. We once left a lavish record of the male-female hush from hand to fingers to mouth: in epic hock, half-buried to our hips. 

Our temperature raised the magnitude of repetitions into a shriveling median in the after-life or its meandering dissolution ... 

An obtainable conspiracy, altogether, surely not a hoax.
13: Son, father, if we were only our barren selves
we’d bear up against recursive instincts..  It’s so
to toss instincts back into love’s valise. We pirated the code.   
I can’t say we did it willingly (signing our land leases through dueling storm gusts). In honor? None! 
Only better, only you and I love in full.
You give me spring in long form before a certain fall,  
against winter and death, my love. Even in spring in my arms you now —
Surely you know each of us still ‘prepares’ 
Only for life and love of all, eternally in love.
Pickerel babes greet one another in fluent

Pickerelish. Parents want to lose their young

but can’t, stuck in schools, diagonal peach cones & rods of violet.

(As with most fish
there’s salience to nodding agreement thought-

fully.) I get all my ideas from media

studies, yet inorganic brainstorming

like this is easier-to-sleep-w/-&-pulsate



It takes a while. Day by day. The way 23 hours ago the multiplicity of writing today took a while. Times itself: A brainset, no doubt, occupied .. & this just in — jokes turn into dreams. It’s dreams that forgive us for everything (except melancholia). That’s because multiplicities, ‘sleeping while awake,’ get downgraded to icy normality, farthest from sight, trapping you & me inside a force field owing to our expertise. 

So there’s no lack of constancy in experimental states of mongrel forgery & the totality of economic pull.
54: You’re back!

Truth is, we cave wantonly to your lovely odor (fairer in our forgetfulness).
O wooed rose!
Before they were living within you — and like you — perfumes are of dark matter, unmasked buds that distill a civilizing beauty far ahead of summer’s space

Filling our eyes with sustained disassociation.
Pickerel babes greet one another in fluent

Pickerelish. Parents want to lose their young

but can’t, stuck in schools, diagonal peach cones & rods of violet.

(As with most fish
there’s salience to nodding agreement thought-

fully.) I get all my ideas from media

studies, yet inorganic brainstorming

like this is easier-to-sleep-w/-&-pulsate

I’m going to leave you in the middle of the city where you belong, you robot dog.
Sweetest of the geeks take their training to heart and join a special breed apart. Hoody dog, shoddy demeanor and default dalliance will get us to our destinations faster and more pumped. Something about / the “human couplet” / piques me all over and under. It’s a military formula, zennish almost, doggy enough striving to write as well as to rock. (It’s less lonely with an audience.)


Mortality can’t be beat. A big send-off but
no amnesty? A ship is on the way 

from mare nostrum 
or / & like crustaceans we had to give in, to forgetfulness for now. No static I could see.

Blinds drawn, our preachy, scavenged opacity fills w/ sang-froid riches of dark matter, soaking the globe w/ its bible pedigree & thumbnail intensity, semi-transparent. 

Before that yoga was fantastic, a soothing coterie added to sempiternal space & entered into w/ a worldview w/out language achieving access to felt qualities.
134: Dirge: Knocked up by sure bets and unassailable vote counts. It sounds like utter intrigue, equipage of the self-illumined or half-taught —

An inured slice of childhood domains — all to attain another, future time.
But back in time. 
So now and then I may have liked primary grades more. I later picked up romantic couplets —
Lost in bromance, wearing nothing but motives for aching to keep doing what I feared, overlooking our lives in usurer love? So he’s yours? 

I’ll sue you for disrespect, covetous of my comfort, my couplet. I lived for your peach flash thru witless dialectic. (Note above.)

I drank your Labrador tea. And for further research I took up free, motorized speech. (Op cit.)

Similar theories, large discontinuities. Dirge:
I can’t worry or pierce my ears further.
Sunshine recycles namesakes.

As we say only moments from now,
A proposition (like this) is political and politically cheap.
Filled with vacant abilities.

These guys (pols) are easy with a wry edge, their depth of conversation touches
On hyperkinesis, T notes
And cook dating!


My cohort flock to travel benefits. It’s in the evolution of avarice, loose ends everywhere giving wind sheer the opportunity. Looseness keeps younger bodies moving forward. And that goes for the sun shining with its belle-lettrist metamorphosis in the street, condemning grown-ups.

Rationed compliments ensue secretly, 
Honest accounting disappears like functions of context (text frame procedures) — 
Physicalism (neural meditation) adapts to amoral schemes 

— Travel well.
109: Mind and body worship seem vicarious, false of heart before conforming to a belief system to qualify. As for my soul, I’m with you, rose.
But I like meeting new people as well as having you — that would be progress, the sum of good times —not only with the preposterously good like you but also some frail and older (sometimes); yet my soul is with you. As sure as I travel in fellowship, I come back home to loving you always.
The no-fantasies plan, weeks running backwards
After the announcer’s ecstasy — a week ago, when I was younger —
there are no water edges or dikes
Yet / or even a rush of civilized dichotomy.
Music filters out hearsay against the sky.
All the airports sink back in black and white fjords.
Day to day sometimes the sun’s light goes for more,
Going to be here as long as it takes.


The French have other words for inversions. See what their friends are playing. Find friends.

Absence of thought rules for higher authority. A busy, cool thoughtlessness that’s slimed over again and again, maybe. 

It’s a fact eye contact is defensive but our checklists and strategies determine most of the contents. Uncreatured narcosis aggregates, drifting toward humane senses. (And all we did was tie up our shirts.) 

This is how contingency shows up in texts, making sense from alterations that are situational within a figure-chicken / ground-egg round robin. 
I retract my falsehoods. At the same time I condemn and mourn meritocracy. For all men are servants (JC et al.) that nonetheless practice projective geometry to respect the brain. (I don’t think it’s called Trampoland for nothing.) 
90: Hate me now.
It’s up to pond structure to model strains of passivity and its onset by the rear shore. Only don’t drop in.

scraps and parts of nesting authority as an after-loss. Rainy tomorrow. I join you to re-reference an arrow and bow made out of many purposed m.p.h. gusts — and this is your and my body as well — a priori nil in inner life razing names of sorrow.
Tons of special forces in silhouette .. polished in water .. on day one we’d .. imagine them in caress finals.

We’ll correct everything near the top grade filling in with capacitance-assistants. They’re converted

Theorists of a visually astute world culture (secure camaraderie). They propose and maintain bestiaries wholly populated with tests and variations. Details outside. After dark trails. Tons.


Credo: You’re good doing this.
Report to command centers for the new pricing, lest
Misery looks a better way. Go. Fees balanced. Out!
After.. there are instrument
Channels (word flares) for expressing enzymes in fits of love.
We never saw you before.

Suffering coincidence.. you’re leaning into wailer muscle, undressed
To hit the meaning of just whose future is come..

One to admire oneself here, one’s distinction.
And there are more ones (a lot) ahead.
88: Patriarchy expands fraternal allegiance. & you & I so belong.
We’re well acquainted with our own double weakness. Well, I really enjoy it. 9 out of 10.

& we’re both right & wrong.
What do you look like now? It’s right to ask? With all my loving thoughts I can set down our long story, bending my weaknesses against myself.

We both gain an advantage (all wrong) to prove you virtuous.
Since you brought the pizza —

What about these machinations to effect scandal involving us both along with sociopaths to raise your stature, fabulously?

That aside —

My sexual preferences now are for art business and cosmic history.
I really don’t know what I’ve bought.

I was sideswiping beside you, beside maples and different offshoots, no contrivance or Schubertesque opposition. It felt like what heats up under prehistoric pressure; our roles were to fill this in, lengthening ancestral menace while coddling the wetlands. I call this a sex drive / minus language, thought, attrition.

So I have put back late drafts of infectious provisos and integers-to-be, no rocky shores to fix. Schubert had blond hair, you know, and rimless spectacles, no concupiscence and no comeuppance.


We defied the polls and voted against our interests.
Later we’re taught the integral self can level with all the others
While sadness is a public health scourge.
So protesters are hired to raise contentment ratings.
To deconflict our strategy from human loss
In no time we put six 27-to-46 under water
Then we ate cupcakes. Impression seems

Today one can eat excellently here and tempered bluegrass friends visit.
They are real actors, not people.
128: How often the ear stands tacit partner confounded with sweet concord. To be in concord .. (I know jacks about this ..) 
To be in concord, how often envy falls off — as tho entr’acte — wiry but fluid motions, a nimble boldness to harvest for a saucy change:

Blushing to be tickled I kiss your tender, inner palms that sway in and out, 

Either side of my lips, poor lips, more than nimble, blessed, tickled! so dancing for your fingers to kiss and your lips.
We went nowhere. Propositions became a poor promise.

At first random, as noted last century, there’s a rustic perp to experiential style and muddled cool.
2 million years a species, dream on, we know the $ is good, sexual liberty never expires, but the cool gauge has to be slipping

while I’m not going anywhere; Spartans hate to travel.

Do you write while you edit? There’s a term for attrition of affects, eyesore.


I have no value for you.
I’m drunk on uses of empathy and bounce. Or plans change. 
Universality is homesick, having lived off the in-laws of globalist physics. But not now, daybreak — 

Conditions look staggered, first up, off-ivory — wanting a universe to admire (me too).
Then a profane Rubik of dawn’s assured color range,
yet how far & vast connivance redeems all that
to put aside loss, cheek and whiffs of misuse. In concatenation, O dawn.
25: No dying here, let those in favor never be erased. Prost!
A few words will travel, ‘unlooked for,’ calibrated by our unlooked for ruckus / doing-the-honors speaking (rather than boasting) within a larger-scale dialectic —

a painful victory and public outreach to your glory. A triumph! Poof...

After, for a frown, a thousand victories buried pride / the sun’s eye.

One of them. We’re happy we are in favor of your love fresh from the book, also

one more for the other books I read and love, whose fortune spreads your joy we honor most.
I’m a conservative about behavior. That’s before I put on your fragrance —  
A calm never resolved —  
because we’re only one muppet and one Marine  
reigning over Proustian project boards, cost curves, our endless waves of shame. 


It’s between hopeless and rebuked by evolution.
Hemi or semi —
orphaned as-is...

Photons in a neutrino cavity. Glad scene-makers or martial artists, music critics, or proud old squares barnstorming swift-footed through the biosphere to eclipse career obstacles.

Failures in love fall away, never in 2 places enough needing permissions, shuttered, untainted, bleak, drear and just dumb. 

‘The world of secrets holds its own’ = new old patterns to succeeding circumstance. 
96: This is weird. A focus group from the groom’s side picked us both, agreeing w/ flashy media that features young candidates, lower right, with your lips, center frame, moving up and down, sport documentation, more or less:

The groom was in a close up, being led astray...

Here’s the stumper.

Whatever base or ism, the urge to love is put down to error and class anthropology.

We open our front door and see what the state’s strength translates to. The shortest path ignited by havoc, honest and exhausted gazers. Geezers. From it’s-not-the-same-now all the way to a nanoscience of celebrating perfidy and betrayal. Sort of addictive.
Wanton anthropology won.
Each year corrupts the interference ultra-field. The elders have rules. Stay funny and
comfortable is one.
Another is also fancy, more or less fun. Insert / handkerchief.
Shave twice a week. Does your dad look happy never to see you thru the eyes of men?

What can we do without sleeping around in our active subculture?

Last, best, fair in determined love. I wanted to ask you about immaculate being, rondure
and going out. / According to slung
Allegory, it’s called Stepping Up, Giving Ourselves, Keeping Ourselves.


It’s between hopeless and rebuked by evolution.
Hemi or semi —
orphaned as-is...

Photons in a neutrino cavity. Glad scene-makers or martial artists, music critics, or proud old squares barnstorming swift-footed through the biosphere to eclipse career obstacles.

Failures in love fall away, never in 2 places enough needing permissions, shuttered, untainted, bleak, drear and just dumb. 

‘The world of secrets holds its own’ = new old patterns to succeeding circumstance. 
45: Sir, libido and swift words send and return messages — coming back as lighter air (thoughts..) and quick fire (like desire). Air and fire are both with you (wherever I am).

When I hear nothing from you — I’m no longer glad or assured, merely present-absent, oppressed by melancholy

as it were.
It feels I’ve sent desire away, far away from me, sad for you.
Each year corrupts the interference ultra-field. The elders have rules. Stay funny and
comfortable is one.
Another is also fancy, more or less fun. Insert / handkerchief.
Shave twice a week. Does your dad look happy never to see you thru the eyes of men?

What can we do without sleeping around in our active subculture?

Last, best, fair in determined love. I wanted to ask you about immaculate being, rondure
and going out. / According to slung
Allegory, it’s called Stepping Up, Giving Ourselves, Keeping Ourselves.


I’ll say it again, there’s a method to share but it’s overrated.
I’m high-fived as I whisper to myself, falling for the tautology.
74: I agree to our bail. (Security should have conducted a more scholarly pat down.)

We are still under arrest but you’ve lost nothing. You’re mine.
Ten to one, better parts of our street cred show up in lit and dossier tracking. Faint Milano opera on one speaker in memoriam.

When you have a chance for review, I think all this will be due you. Layers of my spirit made yours & any remains will have no other life to leap to, no death, either — carried away then having some interest in what’s going down on this wretched yet contented earth, all it contains, even this one line.
Kites: pinky juicy crisp, unlimited
Space parlance —

The language predates handicraft mottos and canned feedback,
Slithery, always waxed down toward our bumbled abstentions.

Life is better bumbled, a few times, even
Looking broke with pencil marks across gessoed

Pearls? — a level of memory that’s puny as worn parlance.


There is slender lovemaking on square obstacles. To stop tremors, rouged slippers are warmed as leftovers, something a lapdog in one room repairs with, to a separate bungalow. The commissary situated down in the sub-chambers, getting there aimlessly onerous. What will they spell for lunch today?
47: Good turns, one after another — I turn to your good looks, filed between heart and bitch comedy. 
Either way you could set this remote for a clearer video — 
And... we both share it? The clips you saved along with my worship of your face have nearly expired.. except your looks still drive me nuts.. I’m in love.. famished at the banquet of love (where we fall sleep). 

Awake, I can’t move further than my thoughts, always recording you.. while pressing reset buttons.. but I have my sight set on you, you see? God damn this remote, I can’t change it by myself, my eyes are awake, my heart’s .. 

Here, you take it.
Here’s a thought. Stiles of cash stuffed inside passions, stacking up with such speed our national debt reflects the world as it is, advancing toward convenience stops and arbitrary stretches we don’t care about.

Well, most of these “pieces” are literal, based on trying to sit down and sing [starting to sing] “Baby, you’re still wearing your headset.”

An air of inevitability around advanced codes has been shattered. Inevitability seems inauthentic in a heavy mustache sense. I am more than at war. Your holding me, the middle of the throat..

I kiss the air. Realizing my dream performance in “Fidelio.”


Let’s see what we have at the top of the metaphor game.
There you go again. Tax and spend. Death panels. Lyin’ Hillary. Toxic concepts infuse social ideology and organize perception. Political samples direct voter behavior, especially wokes.

Joe is sleepy-crazy. Play along or rue it.
You guys go ahead.

I’m going to take my inside voice and ...and turn around and walk this way.

Outdoors I pledge you a wholly hidden idiom of renderings, highlighting themes out-of-focus, left to twist in the leafy apolitical acreage.

Director’s cut.
51: In motion, no excuses — war is unjust when only one side wages it.
Gleaned from what war is, my desire keeps going.

I’ll be an angel investor in spontaneity, no need but love, for love.
This is strictly, deliriously our business, self-realized adventure
losing daily battles, no excuses.

What time do you get off work in poetry? Should I know?
Speeding up when swift extremity can seem but slow

I hastened to run after you
as though mounted within the winds before even starting ..
New day! Matins yet ghosted, Starsky’s tongue in my ear
& all the bobwhites in Appalachia hush... off

& then — second — noise
of collared, greening hospitality where Hellenic

banter might calm a tax credit havoc.
                           Third, I stay nonprofit
worshiping everything that belongs.
All else is stress related.


Levitation in words has to be modulated. (They wanted this.) Modulated is like coming out to play, sampling the masked hostility and indecisiveness of our verbal environment and backing it up with inexact beats and multiplying love of what we were doing before the procedural took hold.
Then we go off a notch keeping our eyes shut.
I miss you doesn’t change anything. I want you to be happy but be on time for signing our release pledge.
70: I don’t blame you. Much.
Alone in your ‘kingdom’ flying backwards. You’re facing the street, passing it... A science fiction flushed hollow, cankers along with buds look prime outside and you’re still passing thru, unstained by ambush, adhering neatly to nothing, just passing. Yet suspects’ approval always ornaments tacit impurities of state. Heaven’s sweet hush.

Who are they who might envy you? Slanderers, even wooers — and such charged discourse! Don’t hold it in. Talk to me, shatter me, touch.
To a spiritual father in the future,
Deal with our failures.
The ruddiness of brown shingles looks right at us.
A house down the street, the “sadly” restored one —
If you lit a fire there, for real, and wrote it down,
Our faces would limn how today is going.
Writing forced to the surface for an earthly face off.


To a spiritual father in the future,
Deal with our failures.
The ruddiness of brown shingles looks right at us.
A house down the street, the “sadly” restored one —
If you lit a fire there, for real, and wrote it down,
Our faces would limn how today is going.
Writing forced to the surface for an earthly face off.
62: No remedy surmounts heaven where detachment was trimmed. Swimming there uproots a whole series, bright, tanned & then defined by sympathetic parody & praise, indeed, contrary to less gracious remedies.

We have functional emotions, I think, grounded by self-love & this choppy word list of love’s close affects. Also, there’s a hint of possessed falsetto. Shields up. I’m reading the last place you are … you’re open wide, here in my heart. Shifting from heaven’s iniquity to self-query, you & I read you!
Having only a sec, you never know the glutton that needs you.
Someday tho the fragile male coloration returns as a feminine force with tinctures and inaudible signs from a long history of decision making, preparing us for more retrospective behavior, more implicative speech and strict anger management.

It’s a blabbing amateur that needs you — until

his time is up.


If every frontal move forward were interrupted, we’d never get back to bed.

This is a transparency first to seeing speech as transparent. (‘This’

is a relative of frontal opportunism. “It is.”) When you’re young
clemency is rampant in meaning maybe.
Maybe not as opaque.
Ok. I hear voices in the kitchen. My thoughts freeze in a total makeover

as all ‘this’ recedes — putting “it is” back, mockingly — heading back w/ nothing.
62: No remedy surmounts heaven where detachment was trimmed. Swimming there uproots a whole series, bright, tanned & then defined by sympathetic parody & praise, indeed, contrary to less gracious remedies.

We have functional emotions, I think, grounded by self-love & this choppy word list of love’s close affects. Also, there’s a hint of possessed shrill. Shields up. I’m reading the last place you are ... you’re open wide, here in my heart. Shifting from heaven’s iniquity to self-query, you & I read you!
It’s pie for you now to set yourself free through what you don’t know — that takes a kind of unfinished aplomb, needing practice and achieved overviews. Your verbatim relishes living among a slew of lucky design ideas orphaned to an alien auhenticity, busted out of place, in the wrong skin and age. 

(Welcome home.)


Tv interview:
I still write poetry. Yet I have no regrets.
I subsist in attrition finding and picking up purviews —
The enigmatic verse syllogism under one rule is eaten alive by song layouts,
that’s the power of bounce over provisos.
9: No form of you
Felt anything but used, average.. a spent, destructive sort, blandness also a problem.

Your world consumed less with guilt for political experience / current status / winning outright =

Hey here I am! Staying married, single you and I may change our minds!
I already forgot to.
Could ..ah! you and I are loved by many. I’ll commit, in sleep ...
We are watched over and settled into a kindly already new shifting
Still enjoying practice, wailing, banging triangles and drums ...
Your private voice as wet as many eyes we can sleep with. Look.

I wake [Ah!] — My own voice a bit hoarse
..a life talking with you,
But no spec of you tonight.
Note: It’s impossible to separate understatement from early programmed utterance; both are newborn in an admissible sense, pitch. So that’s how pretending v coming close can be felt, my sovereign.

Next, an inevitable database advances to burn out your swing — try living on meeting death half-way hapless (and deceitful), sensing value contingent. Warning: The underground minimizes special-purpose thinking within a dominant tribal identity or trance. The opium is waiting, on a bender. What comes next is calm to recover and / or replace each close-to-noble escape route on ahead.


Dark stamina turns out a soulful lab mix of you and me. The further we go on

Descriptors peel away, earning extra penumbrae with trace synonyms.
What a night. No problem
Expunging the storied narrative and

Ordinary one-in-a-million stuff that appears normal, believable.

Then that

Rolling out of bed far off across

You and yours, just dreaming it up

putting you in mind of an imminent photo realism.
87: Sodajerks. Their stock was luminous. Once adding

a noun phrase furthered ambition (we’re sure any goal was theirs), amusing
vim shaken out from the inside. Each jerk had a skeleton curse, after all; the lot growing
fewer over time. (Youth — not occupation, no greater riches, nor better judgment — remains the determinate object of love.) An emotional matter
language models for 3  dimensional firewalls while waking you
then not knowing you. You jerk.
... the rookie is burning on the outside, your only credits were adamance /
to squelch any dramaturgy from theology, wellbeing and actionable conditions, missing how far you are beaten into their projections.


We blame birds’ beaks trumpeting

stemming the tide, ruining our own rails.

Also our headboard with no utility, other than hooks.

Sing: can we cut to the creation?
Then a chorus becomes plural en scene where our fiction holds.
So if darkness “must take a wider horizon of use,” why not be kind to the top actors? Who would tell?
Astronomical and infinitesimal sums of matter compelling our work that front-loads knowledge construction (to reform poetry), quite a remote number of quiet spaces and good times, fed and oppressed by day, by night, off and on.
137: Love is a blind fool among the true and false. You never see what they see. You’re wide awake thinking this through until a subfocus gets lost. You can’t see, you grow accustomed, so to speak, directly oblique : but pointedly there’s no one name escalated or united w/ the width of what beauty is! And where it lies!

Bon équilibre, someone else can choke (and in a common language at that), one a 2nd person, your “someone else,” comprehends. What do you say? Why falsehood, tell me, speak to the wide world where several are over-partial to my judgment. Why should my heart do anything?

Yet I give up my weak words thinking they seem right, hack at reasons to try for more with the grit of fairer and fouler understatement, neither the worst or best..um...

And you know, that’s what’s wrong then. Over-partial over you I too can’t see what the world sees..
Diffuse claims from the storm-injured outer sky, yet 
during the break we reached the claims officer. Big 
thick crazy eyebrows, a swelling voice, easier than the rest. 
Planet Earth has been coined Taoist hell. Coinage ringed with grassy estates where men with money like you and the c.o. can tiptoe or fall further. If you invite me... Tag, you’re it, absorbed in my desire to sleep with anybody great.


Ridiculed by sycophants & inferiors, RM Rilke talked to whom?
I rank his output very high, filled in with Teutonic expressionism
off the scale, 9 plus or more to exaggerate
(if I could, hmm).

Duino. No lacunae needed, Rilke’s asyntacity sets an extreme standard atop
maximally tall orders, looking down over his sprawling,
immersive, dark & smoky project-for-good, I say 10 or higher.

— Empress Eugenie
80: ...cross-pollination of English and psychology wracks up a revitalizing boundless deep. I’ll assume you suspect I faint when writing this. Situationists use the shallowest fare (as fact) and re-chart it onto subterranean lit. When I write about you, I’m in worthless sympathy, humbled and worse, tongue-tied while I try a couple of poses — ha — there are great, pure benefits spent by proud, broad-minded recruits afloat, ocean wide! Wouldn’t you know they are in an infinite series in the history of fame and naval bavardage. (Or from another angle they are the series, all teasers and the teased but goodly proud, cast away.) ha
A few minutes ago there were bright blue shadows.
The quartet’s on a formal mission; higher
up, the mission’s part scribble / disassociation.
I can hear Johnny shoveling the drive
as a voiceover to operate prophesies of doom humanely,
stacking pessimistic ideas like alembic tubes that mate
over magnets. Tubes lit with disentanglements.
No prayer in all directions.


Note: It’s impossible to separate understatement from early programmed utterance; both are newborn in an admissible pitch. So that’s how pretending v coming close can be felt, my sovereign.

Warning: The underground minimizes special-purpose thinking within a dominant tribal i.d. or trance. The opium is waiting, for a bender. What comes next is calm to recover and / or replace each close-to-noble escape route on ahead.
76: In flight, the framework would be told on telling. 
How can varsity expend their tribute? How spent? Why?    
This café, I think, is going to answer that & help the weather from getting lost on me.   
I know the framework of my notes craves attention, that’s why I always write of you.   
Why I finish a stretch and new and old lines get confused, showing their new birth.
Fuse the way they
Continue as light rain. My argument.
This is my first chance in three dimensions.
Others seem to throw theirs away.
There were more debris balls thrown so we ordered an atemporal zone of grace
— w/ the emancipatory norm of curiosity —
Set it to limitless, w/ its winners & losers. Keep trying — there’ll be a pop-up quiz.


Note: It’s impossible to separate understatement from early programmed utterance; both are newborn in an admissible sense, pitch. So that’s how pretending v coming close can be felt, my sovereign.

Next, an inevitable database advances to burn out your swing — try living on meeting death half-way hapless (and deceitful), sensing value contingent. Warning: The underground minimizes special-purpose thinking within a dominant tribal identity or trance. The opium is waiting, on a bender. What comes next is calm to recover and / or replace each close-to-noble escape route on ahead.
50: A hip cast of super angels strumming harps, an encore of Zeus Arrhenothelus

Bringing up larger journeys for the stretch and preen in vigilance onward —
So far the miles to me are measured from my friends and joy left behind.
I fall back tired, breathe while new cast members come on —
They are casually let go as they finish groaning bearing my weight.

Our joy restored at a slight remove from sharp pain and darkness in grief, putting this in mind,
Since we answer to manifold waves that weigh in:

Unprovoked, a heavy vacuum still.. you are far away while I am on my way at my travel’s end.
A few minutes ago there were bright blue shadows.
The quartet’s on a formal mission; higher
up, the mission’s part scribble / disassociation.
I can hear Johnny shoveling the drive
as a voiceover to operate prophesies of doom humanely,
stacking pessimistic ideas like alembic tubes that mate
over magnets. Tubes lit with disentanglements.
No prayer in all directions.


— Let’s be fair, the partnership was an accident, joining boosters of equity.
Runic, compared to language proceedings now.

It just snowballed until all frontiers on Earth were taken under one rule.

Our slogan has been restated: Bodies of formulae destroy discursive fruit until only style prevails.

77: You and I see love as a print-out in eternity:
We live here, in a time share of your stealth, your voice,
Your beauty’s imprint.
Cold drafts are escapement and spray
forming part brightness with a pulse,
part average improvisatory dare.
Diluent? Sleepy days of assented-to hours loosen us
from these biodata — discharged to interiors,
into sussed, sonic focus.


60: Sing: On a human landscape, time feeds on us and ants.
It’s unparalleled to the end.

Sing: this changing place, this pebbled
shore is in the repair shop because
it is the repair shop — as miles streak by...

We contend and confound — in the hands of light,
set on the rarity of natural youth and beauty.

Each changing place against such slim odds.
Almost the same as hopeless in a place of hope.
Yet younger guardians that follow grow tired of interruptions and self-
reflective outreach; wherewith their hold on the land comes late
and threatens.

When? as soon as a sec now or ago, today.
Savant and scribe know where all glory goes. 
If we’re lucky, principles of mediocrity rule our larger commitments.  
Then both can devise a poem for a period of guesswork.  

Finish a stretch and my theory gets confused. Confused the way   
A rusted barge dries off in sun orange. Or   

Danzig is the Wallace Stevens of evil urban clusters..   
Ok, this is not Danzig. Clinically proven.  
But theory is somewhere else.


What’s my business? The pin numbers told me to go off, and that led to my holding

all these volatility models from A.I., an omnibus vocalism in a sense.
Points ahead are to enable passing tourneys among tense Fu dudes
to nuance hidden risks when shifting weight (a merging accounts request).

Modern proceedings are bated like these, day after day, not stopping, not finishing..
49: Let me hold you ... or better not, I’m a defect in future law before and against your time.
If ever that time comes within my own knowledge, know, I’ll know
love is no more, no less the thing it was...
                and no cause alleged.
I raise my hand now, called to, on your part
when you scarcely greet me as we pass.
That’s how with all due respect works in both our times.
One’s god and partner
is a doomed villain — twice one’s weight.

Runs down to the water’s edge, sticks his head in. Stays in.
On a second take he and other strangers gain their godly presence
thru tendon appeal that initiates delaying tactics.

Delayed, one sees what Buckminster Fuller means
sensing the curve of the earth.

One gets the pretty steep sense
god has gone one’s way.


Hail, love, I was in hell with you.
I’ve seen again all the mud we throw.

We’re not living there now; it’s too far to drive, leaving us drenched to the waist, hanging, down on the sidewalk looking a little ‘filmed over.’
The now is? I don’t know where it went or was. I wonder if it’ll show up near here.
These questions are battered about.
Sonnet 119: Software permeates adolescent philosophy. This madder hell points to asphalt perimeters, why error messages commit to wretched Skinnerian structures (applying blindness to hope)
building up un-manacled distractions so amor in the head is amazing, far greater, madder fever!
Some ways syzygy rounds this off in latinate Greek — evil still made better — for amnesia’s fixed width, blessed never, rebuked to our eye’s content!
And ruined, we kept losing, true, losing you .. rebuked, my eyes out, sphereless.
Let’s break up. Broken, giddy up, trouble maker.
Today I face no opposition. How to pay homage...

My instinct when asked is to inch back
To the moody raw nation where prosody
Jettisons its own use. No half-soothing opponents awake
On top,
No heights at all outside, only a few problem solvers
Off looking into what we broke —


My winning lottery payout.

The carbon steel of all day dimmed
Second after blasted second.
If you don’t look directly my way, see into my face —
I can’t give it to you.
39: Sing how in your absence, thoughts on love hint of sour leisure, even torment. To live in some deception seemed brilliant manners far back, before today. Thought of that now keeps us divided but pointedly, singly alive.
One difference as you sing — you are the better part of me
holding back — tho I’ll obliquely praise you when praising me.

Divided, we’re the same. We live to entertain others, thinking back to our love. Still. There’s this separation. I dream w/ you alone.. as you sing away from me.
Every cent in our scheme is fungible.

But not in all cases. This brings on what works mostly. Life is short and good investment prospects drive you all over. Recent example — no longer victims,  you and I grabbed the momentary offer as a ladder we shouldn’t overuse — 
A moment to stare out the top windows, a lamp over our shoulders to herald the swindle in American wind farming.


Avoidance with a message sounds personable, calm, also passably awkward. In the same robot call he reverses prerogatives, that is, his voice does. I’ll table the difference — a mixed result but with swift powers from two kinds of physics. I’m altogether devoted to the happiness of the robot first and then all our tech subs in the call center. The firm gives me focus, serves as a ‘hideout,’ while I search for a motive, working the ropes.
139: A poem fires up photoshop. Excuse me.

A poem is a picture as lack of love well knows.

That your cunning lays upon my heart...

That drowns me out, my kitten heart, but don’t wound me, not

this time, and never call me back to justify what’s wrong.
Your good looks attract enemies — It’s your eyes
yet glances aside — with your unkind tongue you overpower me,

kill me outright, never through a crossword. So I’m defenseless.

Also I’ve saved all your robocalls to prove it.

I’m not kidding. No calls, no pix, please.
Did you catch the interim report?   
One’s core keeps an eye out, part of industrial knowledge that considers prototype rain in crazy-fancy contexts plunked out on sheets of music. At first.   
Moving forward we have all of an hour to take in sweetness made for infamous exposure (in costume) indoors then out. 
Lights up — we take ourselves down a stretch in the libretto where we preserve disparities. You deserve it. 
Sweetness is vacillating as usual after hours on clear nights. Robbers, cops 
Though fragrant, turn opaque  
And poof — still  
..could rain.


I see your inside relevance, binary to binary autosuggestion. 
When it gets dark rebooking happens fast.  
The relevance we wanted to get to go to a naked singularity, that is  
This abstract point now stabilizing outdoors — over the ocean  
— smelling you in all your possible reassignments. 
— A rank in heaven!
129: That slap in the face harder to explain now,
on purpose laid to make the taker mad — a waste..
Traffic jammed under the apartments — tropical action — 
A cruel lemon sliver caught in your savage nose, past reason,  
Extreme, despised, tangy..  
Romeo and Eurydice. A rude joy proposed behind a dream. Just a wedge. 
Athens is the cradle of alpha reality, 
Hip, stolid, ordered smooth, unruffled for the taking.  
I got married however without knowing the side effects. 
The light darkens. I hate Greece.  
It’s official, we’re its colony.  
Ah, #36, latecomer to the cultural line, all time subservience.  
(It’s not easy being special.)