
Task at hand, to load yourself into the canon.
I can't find Jim Behrle's latest blog location, but if I could, maybe I'd see him spoofing these guys.
I'll just say this then leave it alone. There's fodder this morning from the a's in the blogroll to the right.
Cormac McCarthy and the Coens. Why didn't I think of that sooner?
Ambiguity / January / February

Bill Berkson writes in "sneer quotes."
I know what I need, blindfolded.



If you're not the owner, you're part of the problem.


Speaking of poets' urls, I see there are two more rooms for optimism -- http://anneboyer.blogspot.com/ & http://odalisqued.blogspot.com/ -- maybe they're blogs maybe they're not maybe they're, gosh, hybrids.
then all of a sudden a pure blank glare
the author is not here
-- Clark Coolidge


The usurpation of poets' names, urls, where or in which basket are we heading? Stacy Szymaszek lost her space to a hacker, same for the old Cooper blog, & there's limetree.ksilem.com, noted last week, & what's this, jimbehrle.com? There's the opposite example of Vanishing Point, posted to once, a piece called "We are up and running," heheheh, but whose comment boxes were invaded by a spammer id'd as Alex. There are others ready for the swiping, Heathens, Bachelardette, Super Deluxe, Katied, such great names w/o a calling, like Vanishing Point. Seems nobody's going to steal them. Not even Alex.


There's a narrative of excuses
-- it's ludicrous, dangerous, a job
In bench science to see if maybe

In January looking out of evergreens the lake
The water of heat the same season effect
Being told the air to summer, proper

And persistent the others, others tapping light
The water still steadily the mild sweet obvious
Shadow and water more quickly were not

At this point, why bother?
Hey, you know what. Humanity has nothing to do w/ astronauts and charts, not to mention the virtues of daily practice and seduction. Tautologically every photo is blended w/ humankind... but what's next, god, Canada, and the for-profit orphanage down the street? That would be cool if you think it so. Cool for you. Make it so, astronaut.


How did http://limetree.ksilem.com happen?


Snow up here is a pioneering event,
if I awake, suit, shadowed, emphatic
like an extra assignment, the last minute

Pizzazz rotted, a fleck trodden, faithful reprise!
Snow says it's too late to beg. Invitation only.
Hang, and our eyes are a bit on hold.


Stuff to stay clear of to keep your blog from turning into e-waste. Maxing out on obits. YouTube filler that's hard to download, unanalyzed, authored by someone else. Snaps of infants & pets. Reminiscences that do nothing other than establish a posteriori authority based on memory. Hiatus, the verb.


Most recent evidence that a NY anthology, today, comes in serial form. Episode 112b, immediately followed by Episode 112c.


Worked blunt. Not a bistro. Asleep on the leaf.

I was a dead man once. It started with a record deal.

Bev, brief them. Here on the murmur I don't dare.

Nine years away. White hard nuts. I like what you've done.

Puke on either side. Afternoon singing. Cover when it comes.


Oh, the very best to you, of course.